As a mental health counselor in private practice and working in an alternative school for teenagers with emotional/behavioral/psychiatric and learning differences, he has incorporated martial arts training extensively into the work he does. He appropriately calls this approach Martial Mental Health.  His approach is connected to the neurosequential model of therapeutics (NMT) as developed by Dr. Bruce Perry and the Child Trauma Academy.  This component of NMT involves patterned, repetitive, somatosensory activities (martial arts rank high in this work) designed to remediate trauma and improve self regulation skills.  As self regulation skills improve space is created for additional therapeutic work.  Working with this population provides Kevin the opportunity to create curriculum that is engaging, challenging and offers the ability to experience success very quickly.  His most recent curriculum called Dragon Riding Lessons included many of the breathing, mobility and pressure testing exercises used in Systema.

 In addition to his therapeutic practice Kevin teaches Systema and Qiqong to the public at Laughing Crow Ranch in Underhill Center, VT. 

 Specialized certifications and training's include:
-Verbal De-escalation Strategies-Instructor 
-Life-Space Intervention
-Aggression Management    

-Pressure Point Control Tactics--Instructor
-Jujitsu Control Techniques--Instructor

-Therapeutic Crisis Intervention -Trainer-Cornell University
-Nonviolent Crisis Intervention-Crisis Prevention Institute
-Real Justice Family Conferencing, Coordinator
-Search Institute, Youth and Developmental Assets, Speaker & Trainer
-American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, Trainer
-Justice System Training Association, Trainer
-Playing It Safe, Facilitator
-Target Consultants International, Trainer


Director and head instructor Kevin Perline, M.A. began martial arts training in 1973 and has been teaching since 1977.  He has trained, competed, and taught a number of different martial disciplines including Shinkaze Ryu, Tang Soo Do, Goshindo Kempo,  [Kevin Perline] Samurai Jiu Jitsu, Small Circle Jui Jitsu, Wing Chun and Qigong.  In 1982 he started teaching martial arts in public school classrooms as a means for students to learn self management skills.  This led to the production of two highly successful video's "Keeping Kids Safe! A guide for Kids and their Families" and "Working it out, A Survival Guide For Kids" along with a number of articles published  nationally focusing on child safety.  In addition, he has presented safety awareness programs to colleges, businesses and communities over the years.